Impact of technology on depression

Thomas Oz
2 min readJan 5, 2023

How we are unconsciously worsening our lives

Photo by on Unsplash

Even though the subject of depression and its ways of manifestation have been studied increasingly more in the last two decades, the impact of the forever-updating forever-improving digital technology raises new questions we might need to pose ourselves.

At the very beginning, psychiatrists thought that the circumstances of life and our reaction to them were at the root of our mental health issues (childhood trauma, abandonment issues, irrational fears, etc.) but newer inquiries tell us how much of those problems are nothing but a fraction of the truth, the biggest bulk being our daily habits which are favoring the development of mental illness.

Professionals who deal with children who are diagnosed with various symptoms (ADHD, ADD, etc.) are signaling to the world that immersion into the digital world can, not only aggravate existing problems such as autism or antisocial personality disorder but can even synthetically create diseases. The growing cases of children diagnosed with digital autism have been seeing an alarmingly increasing number.

When it comes to adults, once an underlying issue has started to manifest, its symptoms can unfold in a very different manner once technology comes into play. If a few decades ago such symptoms could have been treated through a better integration in society, today the same society can be an impediment.

There is a multitude of rehabilitation centers that are working around the idea of depriving the patient of all technology, thus placing the patient in a real environment as opposed to one artificially fabricated one.

When the story of the south Korean citizens paying to be put in prison got mainstream media coverage (23 hours a day of isolation and interdiction of using the phone) the amount of people claiming that this is what they need shocked the digital puritans to their core.

Let this serve as a reminder of what you actually need to do while you navigate the digital world and what is just an induced addiction by the silicon valley Hub-Lords.

